Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tammara Webber: Easy

Tammara Webber
Published May 24, 2012 (self-published eBook)
304 Pages

Jacqueline (don’t call her Jackie), followed her high school boyfriend to college. She is musical and very talented, but she chose to follow love over logic. Kennedy is her first boyfriend.  He’s political, handsome, and a bit selfish.  When Kennedy breaks up with her to ‘sew his oats’ in college, Jacqueline is heartbroken.  But then, her eyes open…

Lucas is the broody, artsy, bad boy in her class, who she finds actually has a sweet, dedicated and hardworking demeanor. Landen is the smart econ tutor; he’s engaging, funny, and truly interested in Jacqueline, but she’s never met him in person.  All their communication has been via email. Buck is the jerk, Benji the friend.  With all these men swirling around her – Jacqueline has a lot to figure out.

Easy was a smooth ‘easy’ read (I know, overdone puns are awful, right?).

After just coming off a couple of roller coaster plot lines – this book was a relaxing switch. It wasn’t slow, but the dramatic and shattering ups and downs were softened.  A boy with a troubled past, innocent girl, attraction, secrets… all makes for a good story. This one was sweet and calm, and where I am so used to the dishonesty being the reason the relationship screws up – these characters were crazy honest with each other and worked through things with logic and realism.

The tragedy in Lucas’ history was shocking, and I was surprised to find it at the root of a romance novel, but the author handled it well.  This book has a definite message – one powerful and exceedingly important to women everywhere.  Don’t dismiss it.

I would recommend this book to all my girlfriends. It was really good. 3.5 Stars

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