Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Confession: I'm a terrible blogger

Yup! I confess - I am a TERRIBLE blogger.

But that's okay. I do this mostly for me.
To the handful of followers I have - I greatly appreciate you, and am amazed you are still with me.


Let me give you a few updates, and then a few excuses.

Update #1: I have updated the reading list!
Now you get to see all the juicy and totally awesome books I've been reading - but no reviews yet.

Update #2: I passed 100 books read this year! 
Whoo-hoo!!!!! I think I am going to shoot for 125, but we will see. Christmas she is a'comin'

Excuse #1: Why haven't I updated anything - especially if I still find time to read?
Well... blah, blah, WORK, blah, blah SCHOOL, blah, blah, FAMILY. I am a busy girl. I wish I wasn't, unfortunately I cannot escape!! I tried to make blogging a priority, but just can't seem to keep it there. Reading however - will always be at the top of my list. I haven't forgotten, and will start again soon.

Update #3: I am NOT doing NaNoWriMo this year. :(
Given the time crunch, I felt I didn't have time to do NaNoWriMo this round. I knew I had no chance of finishing. However - I have continued to pick at my story from last year. AND I am constantly running through new ideas in my brain.

Request #1: I need some recommendations!
I thoroughly enjoyed Grave Mercy, Girl of Fire and Thorns, Graceling, and Throne of Glass. I need to know what to read next. I am not enjoying Matched as much as I'd hoped.

Update #4: Blog updates
I've posted here, updated the reading list, modified my TBR, and changed my Currently Reading graphic. Just thought you oughta know. ;)

See ya around!
