Thursday, December 1, 2011

Francesca Gould: Why Fish Fart

Why Fish Fart
Francesca Gould
Published September 3, 2009 by Tarcher
ISBN: 1585427578
272 Pages

This is a book containing all the completely useless and totally gross trivia you have been looking for. It focuses on bugs, diseases, and deformities, and asks questions like: "How exactly do "crabs" cause such intense itching around one's private parts?"

There is not really too much I can say about this one. It was a quick read, but I enjoyed getting the short snaps of useless information. Stories are presented in 2-3 page descriptions investigating the origins and answers of each totally random question.  You have to have a icky side to truly be interested in some of the perverse and disgusting topics.  So, why do fish fart?  Read it and find out!

I would recommend it to anyone who wants it for a bathroom reader. Short and (not quite so) sweet.